We are here to see you succeed by taking the task of marketing off your shoulders so you can focus on what you do - your business.
Years experience in
Marketing, Sales, & Business Development
Event tickets sold
throughout the Midwest
since 2019!
New websites
published since 2022!


Working closely with your team, we create and implement an advertising campaign based on your budget and target market. While your campaign runs, we monitor it closely to ensure your ROI, changing the campaign as needed.

According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of Americans use social media. If you do not have a presence on social media, chances are you are not fully reaching your target market. We help you find your voice on social media and help you engage and grow your target market organically and through paid ads on multiple platforms.

Our approach to Web Design will give your business that extra adrenaline shot it needs. Whether asked to start from scratch or act as advisors to your creative vision — we’ll work together to achieve the best possible results.

Having a website is one thing, but you also need to drive traffic to it. Online presence management is the art and science of doing precisely that. Through SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we ensure that you are hitting all of the "keywords" within your online presence to rank high on online searches.
With a small business, it's not just driving website sales or views; it's also about making sure your customers know where to find you when you are open and can find all the great reviews people have left for you. We comb through all the sites and search engines your company appears on and find ways to direct them to your business and website.

Event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between your organization and your customers at events like concerts, fairs, trade shows, and more. Each event is different; it has different audiences, different content, and different culture. Therefore, it deserves to be marketed uniquely. Luckily for you, we work with over 60 events a year, helping us to stay continuously on top of the latest trends. We have figured out what works, so you don't have to.
OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE: Online Ticketing Services, Graphic Design, E-Blasts, Digital Advertising Campaigns, Public Relations Consulting, Direct Mail Marketing (EDDM), Paid Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and More) Campaigns, Employment Advertising, Employee Engagement Campaigns, and more!



For over 20 years I have been working with businesses in order to increase profits and gain more customers. From my roots in telemarketing, through B2B liquor sales, concert promotion, and even a rewarding stint in nonprofit fundraising I have learned one valuable thing - the key to every sale is understanding who you are selling to.
I started Edwards Marketing in 2018 with one purpose, to share my knowledge and experience in sales and marketing with small businesses and organizations who host small to medium sized events and help them compete with larger groups and businesses with significantly higher advertising budgets.
I work with businesses in a wide variety of industries. From county fairs and music festivals to roofing companies and manufacturing companies, I do not believe there is one industry that I cannot help.
Not only is each industry different, but most even within the same industry are looking for a different customer. I am here to help you discover who that is and how to reach them.
So whether you are looking for a complete marketing overhaul, or just want a fresh pair of eyes on a campaign you are already running, reach out to me and let's figure it out together.
Owner / Founder

Leon Edwards